Scranton, PA – Goodwill Industries of Northeastern Pennsylvania’s Employment Services team helps individuals with disabilities or other barriers find and maintain employment. Our certified employment specialists help individuals identify their strengths, skills, and abilities to be successful in competitive integrated employment.
Get to know a few of the individuals who are working closely with Goodwill’s Employment Services and learn how they are on the path to success.
Victoria G.
Victoria has been making great strides during her work experience in the maintenance department at the YMCA in Dunmore. She has been in her position for over one year and she came to Goodwill through Pennsylvania’s Office of Developmental Programs.
Victoria greets everyone with an infectious smile and is quick to make small talk. Her hard work and dedication shine through everything she does, and Victoria is always eager to help.
Walter P.
Walter has come a long way since beginning the ReSTART Statewide Reentry Program in August 2024. Part of the First Step Act (FSA) Initiative, ReSTART helps justice-involved individuals overcome barriers to employment.
Thanks to his commitment and dedication, Walter completed commercial driver’s license (CDL) training and earned a CDL license through Road Runner Academy. He is putting his CDL to good use and is working for an established company and plans to continue his career in the transportation industry.
Myron O.
Myron also completed the ReSTART Statewide Initiative Program, successfully finished CDL training, and earned a CDL license through Road Runner Academy.
The future is bright for Myron, as he has been traveling the United States while employed as a CDL driver for Amazon. His future plans include owning his own tractor trailer and becoming an independent contractor.
The First Step Act Initiative: ReSTARt Reentry Project is 100% funded by federal funds. $0.00 and 0% of these awards will be funded by other resources.